Thursday, November 13, 2008

36 Weeks- 9 MONTHS!/Educated & Inverted

I have reached the 9 month mark. Only a few more weeks and I will be full term! We have been working on getting all the baby stuff cleaned and put away in the nursery. Everything is so exciting right now because it really is coming together. I can't wait until we are done with it all though and everything is quiet before the baby is here.
Physically I have been feeling pretty good although I get tired out really really fast. Sometimes it gets so bad that I feel as though I can't even stand any longer. I have been trying to get everything together for my meetings at work and trying to juggle mentoring on top of the baby stuff so my life is in full busy mode right now.

Educated & Inverted:
So in continuation of my 36 week celebration I took a breast feeding class yesterday and actually I was really glad I went. Even though I sat next to this really immature man who kept laughing every time they showed a breast on the movie. I was able to ask all my questions too and I feel a lot more confident about trying this. I really want to breastfeed because I have read so much about the advantages and I have learned a lot of great ways to continue breastfeeding under almost any circumstance (ie if your supply is too low at the beginning there is this tube where they take some previously pumped milk and they put it next to your nipple so the whole thing goes in the babies mouth and you will have enough for that feeding. Also in going back to work ways to pump and what is recommended.) I am really hoping it works out for us considering it will save Stan and I a lot of money in the long run (which is good since I am sure that is money we don't have). It was nice to learn the different positions I can do and which are good for really large breasts. So all in all it was a super successful class and I would totally recommend it to anyone who is considering breast feeding. At first I thought all of it would just come naturally but that really isn't the case there is this art to it. Another good thing was I was able to be checked for inverted nipples which apparently I have but only slightly. This is good to know because there are things I can do to aid in breast feeding and I can have the understanding that it will effect his learning curve a little. So I won't get frustrated I will just know. I will have to talk to his pediatricians office (they have lactation consultants on staff) about getting these nipple things that make your nipples stick out when there is pressure. Also I wanted to get familiar with them since I will prob. call them all the time all frantic. Plus it might be good to let his ped. know that they are in fact the pediatrician.

1 comment:

Vincent Grayson said...

That's so cool that you went to a breast feeding class. Obnoxious that the guy was laughing about boobs but I guess boobs can be funny. Anyway that's great. We also got your thank you note and it was very sweet.

All about our family (when I remember to post it)