Friday, November 7, 2008

Hospital Tour

On Wednesday night we had our tour of the hospital scheduled. It was funny because we both were complaining a little about having to go on this tour of the hospital where we had gone so many times in the past several months. I really pushed us to go though and I have to admit I am really really glad we went. We knew a good amount of the things covered on the tour and we were pretty familiar with the front section of Labor and Delivery (since I had to spend six hours there at one point and let me tell you it was not comfortable) but I learned that there are suites at the end of the hospital with tub that have jets and as long as your water hasn't broken yet then you can request one of those rooms and relax in the tub. I was like score because I so would love a little jet massage!! Then we walked to the other side of L& D and saw the two operating rooms where they do the C-sections. I kept thinking please please please don't take me here. (ok its because I know full well that you aren't supposed to eat for like a day or so after the C-section and we all know that would be worse than the labor for me).
Next we walked over to the Maternal-Fetal Unit and they raised the blinds in the nursery so we could see all the little babies. Just then it hit me so hard that in just a couple of weeks we could be standing there looking at Wyatt squirming around under all the hospital worker blankets. I got a little chocked up while we were there. Fortunatly Stan was glued to the windows so he didn't notice. He was just in love the second they pulled up the blinds but I think it also pulled out some of that nervous nelly personality that he has. Stan kept getting worried that they were going to drop one of the babies or that they weren't holding them right. I think he was pretty relieved when the tour guide let us know that the new daddys can follow the babies to the nursery. While we were standing at the nursery window the desk got a call and one of the nurses left with the cart and before we knew it there was a brand new baby passing by and being taken to the nursery. It was worth it just to see all those little cuties through the window.
Next we visited the room where mom gets to stay after the big event. The second we walked in I totally flashed back to when my nephew William was born and us walking in there seeing Maggie holding him and John standing above. It was pretty cool to think about that night again and when he was just so little.
With that the tour was finished and I think Stan and I ended up being really happy that we went. It was nice to see the hospital now that we are so close to the end of the pregnancy and it gave me a nice feeling like I know what to do and how to handle the situation (I am pretty much counting on poor Stan being crazy nervous so this way I can have everything under control for both of us). Actually it may have helped to settle him down about what the actual events will be like.
Its all becoming a reality and it gets me so excited and emotional. I can't wait to see him and to hold him. I have a picture of him saved on my work computer and I look at that little face with that little hand and I just can't wait to hold him and hold his hand. I can't wait to see what he looks like and what his personality will be like. I just can't wait!!


Vincent Grayson said...

It sounds like Stan is nervous enough for the both of you. But that's a good sign that he's going to be an awesome Daddy and make sure that your little guy stays safe. We are all so happy and excited for you guys!

Angie said...

so, when do you want me to get the the hospital? :)

Kate said...

Don't worry too much about a possible c-section. If you're like me and have been in labor for 20-24 hours and you're only dilated 3cm, when the docs finally decide that it's time to go the c-section way you will do a happy dance to have it over that much sooner, then after the surgery you'll be sooo exhausted and doped up with all the anesthesia that the last thing on your mind will be eating. I for example was so nauseated after my c-section anesthesia that I could not hold down water, much less food.

All about our family (when I remember to post it)